The Thrive With Live Show

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Katy Simpson

22 February 2024

34m 55s

Supercharge Your Growth: Unleashing the Power of Websites for Podcasters & Creators



Today’s fab podcast convo was all about websites.

Katrina Fouracre is a self-taught WordPress expert with 10 years of experience helping entrepreneurs build websites. 

These are the questions she was asked, which are common questions amongst creators, live streamers and podcasters.  Her answers are insightful, so I hope they help you.

1) What is the best website platform? 

Katrina believes that any platform can be good for SEO depending on the content and design, not the platform itself. WordPress is flexible and can grow with a business as it scales, unlike platforms like Wix and Squarespace which limit functionality. 

2) How can websites can help creators and podcasters?

Katrina explains that websites are the "glue" that connects all marketing strategies by providing central information. They add credibility and trust compared to those without sites. While social media is useful, people research online and websites provide accessible information.


3) How often should you update your website?

Katrina recommends updating WordPress weekly/fortnightly for security and consistency for content without focusing on quantity over quality. Divi and Elementor themes are beginner friendly but can slow sites. 


4) How can you have videos or podcasts on a website without slowing it down?

Videos should be hosted externally on YouTube/Vimeo and embedded.  For fast hosting, consider storage, servers in the target country/region, SSL certificates (included standard), and good support. Resources needed scale with site size/content. Regular maintenance also impacts speed.

Thank you for tuning in!


To connect with Katrina you can find her on Instagram @Cariad Creative or on her website

To get free quick daily tips and techniques for starting a video or audio podcast go to:

Or, to find out how I can help you further, see:


For my live video content I use Ecamm Live to make the professional looking video and Restream to go live on several social media channels including You Tube simultaneously. You can try them out here:

(I earn a small commission on any sales from the above link, ECamm Live and Captivate Fm)